Monday, August 19, 2013

A joint in each hand!

Cannabis (popularly known as "ganja") is not at all tolerated in Sri Lanka. Although you can get away from the law by paying off a few cops, it is still profoundly frowned upon by the society; mainly because 'our people' are not well-read about cannabis use.

I personally think that cannabis is the safest recreational drug ever. It is safer than alcohol and cigarettes but it still disapproved by our society. Some people think cannabis is a gateway to other hard drugs such as heroine or LSD which i strongly disapprove of because statistically when comparing the number of cannabis users to hard drug users, the numbers are extremely small, logically negligible suggesting that there is no link at all. If you google up cannabis facts you can easily see my point, but beware there are many sites which state that cannabis is bad for you providing fake statistics.

In this blog i hope to write about my experiences being a pot smoker and facts about ganja such as where to buy it in sri lanka, where and how to consume it, etc.

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